Loving God, Loving People

Here, there and Everywhere

Our Mission and Vision

The mission of Community Covenant Church is to “love God and love people, here, there and everywhere.” But what does that look like? We wrestle with this question everyday and strive to fulfill our mission as God lights our path and provides opportunities. Our guiding values include:

Living life together - generation with generation - in authenticity and simplicity. We attempt to keep the main things, the main things.

Extending grace to all (realizing our own brokenness) while standing on the truth of God’s Word as a daily guide for individual and church life.

Because of Jesus’ challenge to love our neighbors as ourselves, we daily throw off the bonds of self-centeredness and love people here, there and everywhere. We strive to be Jesus’ hands, feet and joy in our world. This mission is carried out within the framework of Connect, Cultivate and Commission.


We CONNECT with the ever-changing population of Fairbanks while growing strong relationships within our community.



We CULTIVATE spiritual, relationship, and leadership growth through worship and learning opportunities for all ages.



We COMMISSION our members into the world for God’s service while ministering to the needs of our community.

At Community Covenant Church we affirm:

  • the centrality of the Word of God

  • the necessity of the new birth

  • a commitment to the whole mission of the Church

  • a conscious dependence on the Holy Spirit

  • the reality of freedom in Christ


Our Team

Our Larger Church Family

Community Covenant Church is a member of

The Evangelical Covenant Church

a worldwide family of local congregations and ministries who link in mission that together they may be most effective in fulfilling:

the Great Commission of Matthew 28:16-20,

the Great Commandment of Mark 12:28-31, and

the Great Compassion of Matthew 9:35-36.

{Click above to explore more about our denomination}

{Click above to explore more about our denomination}

Visit Us


Community Covenant Church

2136 McCullam Avenue

Fairbanks Alaska 99701

Monday 8am - 2 pm
Thursday 8am–12pm
